Thursday, June 1, 2017

Since it was Frenchmen who invented the hot air balloon, it's fitting the French were first to use it in war. 

Who Invented the Hot Air Balloon?

Who Invented the Hot Air Balloon?

Who invented the hot air balloon and why? In this post, we're delving into the fascinating history behind hot air balloons. Buckle up!

Hot air balloons rides have long been a whimsical way to enjoy an afternoon.
Taking a hot air balloon ride can be exciting, fun, even romantic. But have you ever thought about where hot air balloons come from? They're so much more than just a recreational activity.
Who invented the hot air balloon, and why? In this post, we're delving into the fascinating history behind hot air balloons. Buckle up!

Who invented the hot air balloon?

The Montgolfier brothers got the idea for the hot air balloon during an evening sitting by the fireplace.
It was 1782, and Joseph Montgolfier looked into the fire. He wondered aloud to his brother, Etienne, "What force made the smoke and sparks rise?"
Joseph made a small bag out of silk. He held the open end over the fireplace, and the bag inflated and floated in the air. What they had discovered was isolated hydrogen.
Hydrogen is the lightest of all gases. It's even lighter than air. That allows it to lift certain objects off the ground, like the silk bag.
After this discovery, the brothers were inspired to use this knowledge to invent a balloon that could fly on its own.

The first launch of the hot air balloon 

The brothers designed a larger, circular version of the silk bag. They attached a big, yet light-weight basket to the bottom, creating the first version of the hot air balloon.
In 1783, they launched this balloon off the steps of Versailles for Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. A rooster, a duck, and a sheep were loaded into the basket.
The balloon floated 1,500 hundred feet in the air. After 8 minutes, a rope tied to the basket pulled the balloon and the animals safely back to Earth.
Now it was time to launch the first human into the sky!

Image result for montgolfier balloonOctober 1783 marked the first flight of a human

The simple answer to who invented the hot air balloon is the Montgolfier brothers. However, scientist Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier, had a big hand in helping.
De Rozier assisted in the first launch of the farm animals. He volunteered to go up himself a few months later. Tethered to a rope, De Rozier and the balloon floated in the sky for 15 minutes.
A month later, De Rozier safely flew in a hot air balloon for 20 minutes without the rope. Two years later, he was finally ready to take a more ambitious trip.
In 1785, De Rozier and a partner set out to cross the English Channel in their hot air balloon. Unfortunately, 20 minutes after takeoff, the balloon exploded. Both men were killed.
Later that year, John Jeffries and Jean-Pierre Blanchard successfully crossed the English Channel.

After these flights, technology for balloons quickly improved

Word spread around the world about the incredible hot air balloon. Scientists and engineers worked fast to improve the design.
Thanks to this hot air balloon craze, the helium filled party balloon was also invented around this time.
In 1793, the first flight of a hot air balloon in America was accomplished by Jean-Pierre Blanchard. Blanchard flew from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.
Hot air balloons had finally made it to the US. They would end up being a helpful tool for the army during several wars.

Hot air balloons had been used in war since 1794

Image result for hot air balloon in warIt was 1794 during the French Revolution. A tethered hot air balloon was flown into the air. From this view, the man in the balloon could watch the Austrian troops. They used the information he gathered to fight them. The French won this battle.
This use of a hot air balloon resembles how the military today uses drones.
America didn't use hot air balloons for war purposes until The Civil War. Scientist and inventor Thaddeus Lowe convinced Abraham Lincoln to start The Balloon Corp.
Lowe was named the Chief Aeronaut of The Balloon Corp in 1861. Seven balloons were used to spy on the Confederate Army. Eventually, the Confederates tried to create their own balloons.
Hot air balloons were later used in World War I & II.
Steadily from here on, hot air balloon designs became more sophisticated.

In 1932, a balloon made it to the stratosphere

Image result for hot air balloon in stratosphere 1932A Swiss scientist, August Piccard, designed a new balloon. Instead of riding in a basket, this balloon had a pressurized aluminum ball. Piccard, along with his friend Max Cosyns, took a ride in Piccard's invention. They flew into the stratosphere, flying over 52,000 in the air.
Piccard and Cosyns set the record for the highest balloon flight. However, other scientists quickly broke their records. New records were being set on a regular basis.
It wasn't until 1935 that someone sets an altitude record that was hard to beat.
Captain Albert Stevens and Orvil Anderson set the record. They flew their helium gas balloon, Explorer II, 13.7 miles into the sky. They held on to their record for 20 years.
This was a big milestone. Experts say this flight later paved the way for space travel.
This record was broken in 1955. However, another interesting altitude record was set in 1960.

Captain Joe Kittinger sets an altitude and parachuting record

Air Force Captain Joe Kittinger flew his hot air balloon 19.4 miles into the stratosphere. In a pressurized suit, Kittinger parachuted to Earth.
His hot air balloon record was broken a year later. However, his parachuting record still stands.
Captain Kittinger's parachute jump brought the history of ballooning full circle. In the 1790's, Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier modernized the design of the parachute.
During one of the first manned balloon rides ever, he used a silk parachute to jump from a falling balloon.
The technology of De Rozier and the Montgolfier brothers has certainly come a long way!

Did you learn anything about the history of hot air balloons?

Hot air balloons are often looked at as just a leisure activity.
But it's nice to know who invented the hot air balloon, as well as its interesting history!

Now as expert of hot air balloon rides come fly with us in Phoenix, Arizona! or 1-866-Fly-Tday (1-866-359-8329)

Do You Know How Hot Air Balloons Work?

Do You Know How Hot Air Balloons Work?

You’ve always been curious about balloon rides, but do you know how hot air balloons work? In this post, we’re revealing the science behind hot air balloons.

Keyword(s): how hot air balloons work

For all those thrill seekers out there, taking a ride in a hot air balloon probably sounds like a blast. Those of us that are more skeptical though wouldn’t think about getting into that contraption without learning a bit more about how hot air balloons work.
It may sound scary to those that are afraid of heights, but a hot air balloon ride is rumored to be one of the most peaceful experiences out there.
Maybe riding in a hot air balloon is on your bucket list, but you’re a bit hesitant because you are wondering just how hot air balloons work.
Look no further. We have all the facts about hot air balloon travel: how they work, how to steer, and most importantly how to land!
Keep reading for all the fun facts on how hot air balloons work.

History of the hot air balloon

In 1783, the Montgolfier brothers were the first to figure out how a hot air balloon works.
The two men sent a sheep, chicken and a duck flying over France for a full eight minutes! It took a couple years for them to develop a hot air balloon that is very similar to those that are in use today.
As for fuel, they were not using propane, they were burning straw, manure and other material in an attached fire pit as fuel.

Types of hot air balloons

There are two different types of hot air balloons.

Image result for picture of montgolfier balloonMontgolfier

The most common type of hot air balloon. This type uses fire to heat up the air inside the balloon to get it to life off of the ground.
You know that trademark blowtorch noise you hear when a hot air balloon is near? That is a Montgolfier balloon.


Image result for picture of hybrid hot air balloonThe hybrid balloon uses hot air in the same way but it also has a compartment of helium and hydrogen gas at the top.
Hybrid and gas balloons are the most common types because they require less fuel and can stay in the air for extended periods of time.

Parts of the hot air balloon

A modern hot air balloon is made up of a number of different parts that contribute to how hot air balloons work.


Hot Air Balloon Ride Arizona
The envelope is a fancier name for the balloon itself. This part is typically made of nylon which is sewn together in squares to stop rips and tearing. Nylon is used because it is a light, durable, and synthetic fabric.
The squares of nylon are sewn together very tightly in long, vertical patterns to keep air from leaking.
The envelope has holes at the top and the bottom.
The hole at the top is referred to as the parachute vent.
The parachute vent can be opened using a cord.  Opening it will cause hot air to escape from the envelope and the balloon will descend.
The hole at the bottom is referred to as the throat.
The throat is located directly above the burners and reinforced with a skirt of fireproof material to keep it from melting or burning.


Phoenix Hot Air Balloon Inflation 
As mentioned above, the main component to how hot air balloons work is, in fact, the hot air!
The burner is generally one or more gas jets, fueled by propane cylinders. Some balloons only have one burner but it is common to have more than that. You can think of the burner as the engine of the balloon.
For safety, extra fuel is carried within the basket.


Typically, the passengers in a hot air balloon will be traveling in a wicker basket.
The baskets are almost always made of wicker because it is durable and light. Wicker is also a bit flexible so it can absorb the impact of landing.
The basket is attached to the envelope by strong metal cables.
Hot air balloons have a minimum and maximum in regards to the weight that they can carry and the basket sizes come in quite a range.

So, this is how hot air balloons work

Simply put, hot air balloons run on the philosophy that hot air rises and cold air sinks. When the air inside the balloon is heated, it becomes warmer than the air outside and therefore is lighter.
This is what causes the balloon to become airborne.


Now that we know how the balloon goes up and down, how does it steer?
In order to obtain horizontal movement, the pilot must move the balloon up and down to catch different wind currents. The direction of the wind varies at different altitudes. Due to this factor, going up and down will also change the horizontal movement as well.
Of course, there is no foolproof way to follow wind patterns so the pilot is never in complete control. This may be why sometimes you hear horror stories about hot air balloons winding up in trees.
Hot air balloon rides rarely take off and land in the same place unless they are tethered to the ground. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to predict their path.

Launching and Landing

The launching process only takes about fifteen minutes from start to getting off the ground.
Once a suitable location for launch has been found, the envelope is laid out and the crew begins inflating it with a fan.
After inflation, the burner and basket are attached and away you go!
The landing process is a bit more time-consuming.
When the pilot is ready to land they will need to find a landing site that is a wide open space with no power lines and space to lay out the balloon.
The balloon landing can be a little rough but an experienced pilot will know exactly what to do. Typically they will bump along the ground to stop the balloon and decrease the force of the impact.
Once the envelope is on the ground, the team begins pushing the air out and laying it flat. After it is totally flat, the balloon gets packed up for next time!
Now you know how hot air balloon rides work. So, what’s next? Are you going to head out there and go for a ride or do you feel safer on the ground? At least now you have all the facts to make an educated decision!
Come fly with us today and experience it for yourself!
1-866-Fly-Tday (1-866-359-8329)